
Thirdstory is comprised of Elliott Skinner, Ben Lusher and Richard Saunders.  Known for their sublime vocal harmonies and uncanny knack for reconfiguring the language of pop songs, the trio creates fantastically genre-defying music.  Thirdstory is a mix of soulful vocals, live instrumentation and elements of folk guitar and electric guitar, with a prominent hip-hop influence on the production. Two tracks to get a sense of their talent are:  

G Train and cover of Sam Smith's Iā€™m Not The Only One.

Thirdstory's talented trio of Elliott Skinner, Ben Lusher, and Richard Saunders perform: Grows Old, Searching For A Feeling and G Train. When asked to describe what kind of music they make, the three members of Thirdstory-Elliott Skinner, Ben Lusher, and Richard Saunders-all respond with a nervous laugh.